Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Moving Out...

I guess such a move is long overdue for a 25 year old, but not too long ago, families would stay together indefinitely even after sons and daughters got married, maybe they lived a house or two apart but never disconnected like families of our time can be. But as I realized over the weekend, even though I'm moving away/out, I'm not leaving them behind; in fact, I probably will need them now more than ever as I try to make it on my own from this point forward.

I wish I could say I was completely happy with the move, but I am also feeling sadness and regret; regret over not being a better person over the last five years, at least the person I thought I could be, and sadness over the time I spent in search of myself, only to find out that what I knew about myself was true all along to begin with. I don't know what the next phase of my life will be like, I have hopes that I will be able to succeed in this new venture and finally be responsible for my life, future and well-being. I know that seems like a heavy task to embark on, but considering the loss time and waste I have partaken over the last five years, time that I don't regret spending as such only because I needed to do that for my own sake, to see if I was willing to be that person I was for those five years. I am glad to find out that I couldn't be that way forever, it was too narrow, dark, angry and apathetic. I thought I could go thru this world alone, so as to avoid any further pain or suffering at the hands of others, but I found out that without others, I will also be free of joy, happiness, or love.

I've been living as a vagrant for the last five years, coming and going as I please, never being true to one place or person; all the way, attempting to destroy the person I didn't want to be, the good natured, caring, sensitive, who loves his family and friends without waver, and who is willing to do anything for anyone of them, even if they don't feel the same way. Its the only way I know how to be and be happy with myself and this life, whether or not it leads to any success in terms of career or life. If I can live a modest life but have been so meaningful to the lives of others, I would be truly happy at my death, young or old, because I went out being the person I wanted to be and satisfying my nature to be positive influence on this planet.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Don't Ask, Don't Tell...Institutionalize Prejudice

I occasionally listen to AM talk radio, and I had the chance to listen to Rush Limbaugh speak about Don't Ask, Don't Tell and took callers after, one in particular from a former service member of the military, who commented about the good of don't ask, don't tell (DADT) decision, he said that "parents don't want their kids to see two men/women holding hands/PDAs..." I don't argue against the right of parents to raise their children as they see fit, but I do argue against the passing on of prejudice and intolerance. All that parents do when they continue with the idea above is that homosexuality is wrong or immoral.

I don't have children of my own, but I know what parents have said and said to me when explaining difficult topics like hetero-, homo-, bi- sexuality, etc; and all their comments to me were negative and lacking understanding.

The first person I met who was or supposedly gay was family, and I didn't understand why my parents or adults were negative about people being gay. When I spoke to my gay relative, I understood then that being gay wasn't bad or wrong, and anything he decided to do, he just was. And I understand now that all he was doing was falling in love different from me, nothing more, nothing less. We all want to find that one person we can share the rest of our lives with, don't make that any harder by passing on prejudice and hate to your child.
Teach our children compassion and understanding instead and don't pass on prejudice or intolerance.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Let's make it happen...

Hello all, I just wanted to say thanks for coming by and checking out my blog. This is just the beginning, I am really looking forward to getting on here often to share anything and everything regarding me and the events of our world. I will probably mostly focus on topics in sports, entertainment, politics, and education; but my interests are vast and diverse, so who knows will pop up on the page from time to time.

I've done some blogging on other places like MySpace, Xanga, and most recently Facebook, so if you've read anything of mines before and enjoyed, then this should be to your liking. For reference here are a few links to catch up about a few of my things:

I'm still setting things up on here, but check occasionally for the full view and updates as I start getting my fingers moving on the keyboard. I like to share my ideas and opinions and love when people also share theirs, so don't be cautious to discuss anything I blog about, keep it civil and cordial of course. Hope everyone is having a great day, the rain came back around in SoCal so it seems were gonna have another wet weekend. Stay dry out there, take care everyone! =D